Realign Detox System


Realign Detox Tea


Daily Mix

Realign Detox System:

  • 3-5 packs of Realign Detox tea

  • 1 pack of Rejuvenate supplement

  • 1 pack of Daily Mix

  • 1 pack of Pre Detox

Duration of Detox: 3-5 days

Expected Effects:

  • Depending on individual toxin levels, one may experience slight headaches, fatigue, sluggishness, and increased urination.

Recommended Foods:

  • Water-based fruits watermelon, cantaloupes, strawberries, blueberries, and seeded grapes.

Recommended Drinks:

  • Coconut water

  • Spring water

  • Cucumber water

Post-Detox Recommendations:

  • Consume lots of fruits and vegetables, either in their natural form or in juices, for the first month after detoxing.

Purpose of Realign Detox:

  • Helps the body eliminate toxins from the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymphatic system, and skin.

Step Realign Detox Prep

Step 1:

  • Place realign detox blend into a tea ball over the glass you intend to use.

Step 2:

  • Add 8 ounces of boiling water, ideally at a temperature of 175 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • Let the tea steep for 5 minutes.

Step 3:

  • Drink 4 ounces of the prepared tea in the morning and another 4 ounces at bedtime.

  • Repeat this process daily until you finish the detox regimen.


Daily mix

  • Take one scoop daily for 5 days.

  • Mix the scoop of the rejuvenate supplement with juice or water, or take it straight for optimal results.


  • Take one scoop daily for 5 days.

  • Mix the scoop of the rejuvenate supplement with juice or water, or take it straight for optimal results.